Welcome to Greenhouse Data!

Created by Diego Acevedo Quintanilla

[April 2022 // ongoing development]

Our climate is bonkers, and it's probably gonna get worse. If we really are to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change, we really need to pull ourselves together and *drastically* reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Fast.

How, you ask? And where are these emissions coming from? Well, it's complicated. We emit greenhouse gases in virtually every aspect of modern life. Yes, the burning of fossil fuels are largely to blame, but they're not alone. The best way to both understand and track where these emissions are coming from is through DATA. Clean, reliable, easily accesible, free & comprehensive data. And that is what Greenhouse Data offers: a user-friendly repository of various greenhouse gas emissions data inventories (and lots of pre-made figures) for all countries of the world.

This project was inspired by my masters thesis written at ETH Zurich titled "A comparative analysis of various greenhouse gas emission inventories, & exploring the public's perception on the relationship between plastics and climate change" - supervised by my awesome mentors Sonia Seneviratne, Jonas Schwabb, and Anthony Patt. I couldn't stand the thought of my masters thesis being burried deep within the Realms of The Forgotten Theses. So I made this.

Contact me at dquintani at student.ethz.ch, or feel free to clone the project & create pull requests. If you manage to understand the [messy] project code, then you too can easily create a standardized figure for all countries of the world. (If interested, check out either "Graphs_.." .ipynb notebooks located in the scripts folder.)


Or view the Python source script here